Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Tuesday Tranquillo

It's been almost a year since I have been here. Wong Kok Char Chan Teng in Pyramid, my newfound sanctuary in Aug 21 2009. Somehow after that day, there were to much activity that I have no other days where I could come and chill out in Pyramid so often. Just too tired, want to return home to zzzz...

Tuesday tranquillo it is today. Rehearsal got cancelled and am stranded from returning home due to the strange jam in Subang. I rather be sitting here blogging than getting stuck in the traffic.

One new intern popped in this morning and said 'Wow, so free to surf?' Yinn and I just looked and smile. Today must have been the first day after the past few weeks, we could just chilled and surf around. It has been so busy in school and elsewhere, that we could hardly breathe. The secondary concert is finally over, it was great success for Rain Choir and Gaga Choir. It was torturous when you cant sleep at night for 2 weeks worrying about the items, dance choreography, costumes as well as song structure.

Hmm, and I could enjoy a nice plate of fried noodle and my fav ice tea in this restaurant peacefully today. Without rushing to swallow my food. Breathing in freedom of time and relaxing as much.


Just keep breathing.

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