Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Another Semester Ends

I am in my fifth semester of my university. Its ending in 2 weeks time. In a blink of an eye. Too fast, too soon, the cards reshuffled again. It always does. It felt like the Jumanji board game. As you throw the dice, the black mist gives you a hint on what's coming up and your whole world turns topsy-turvy and then you start adjusting again. Sometimes i get weary over it, a bit nervous and sometimes i hope it would at least stay long enough for me to breathe.

I realize I havent written for almost 2 months or so. I cant remember. So many events i would like to update, i hope i could still remember it precisely. I was just at my off-peak moments. Thinking and rearranging my thoughts, perceptions and philosophies in life. Reading and capturing more to improve. Learning how to see and live in this world with ultimate joy and love. Things have quiet down now. No more assignments to worry about, it all zooms down to my finals and piano exam. I think its time to resume my blogging after my mind have settled for now. It has been restless since the beginnning of the semester. End is good in a way.

My recent screen theories subject has taught me that no matter how much you try to capture a moment in words, you will just end up creating more or altered version of the real moment. So, a moment past is a moment loss. Photographs and video will only provoke slight memory of it. As time goes by, it might eventually vanish, eaten up by the time, bits by bits. Another pathetiq view of it is photograph aren't actually something you could keep your memories, it reenacts the thought of loss. The loss of a moment.

Screen theories is one subject that keeps me going this whole semester. One movie every week, how fun can that be :D Besides that, its art film and non-mainstream stuff..thoughts provoking ones. It becomes boring when you do not understand the meaning behind those films. However, after each tutorial, you become enlighten and its just one film that you will appreciate. Except for Casablanca, i still can't see why is it the best film ever made. Hahaha..personal opinion.

Other subjects, radio, management and IR...hmmm...i have been missing a lot of lectures this semester as well. Its the draggy feeling. Not lazy, just bored...i wonder if my interest is wearing out. I think its just too political for IR and i don't fancy politics much, but glad that i was forced to understand some theory behind it. Its alwiz conflict and more conflict. I think politics has no definite solution and that troubles me sometimes. Management is ok, just taking it. Even though marketing is more exciting as a subject. Tutorial in management is fun for me. Short and compact. Radio, one subject where i could mess with audio programs. Too bad its only 5%..Bah! Video programs..yet to try filming something...

That's bout it, time to catch up on my management before tutorial in one hour time. Have not been attending lectures for weeks..oh dear..cant remember...I've been very bad this semester compared to my previous records. Haha..Nerdy me! :D

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