Sometimes I wonder how superficial these bonds are or rather I see things a lil simple and naive. I still could not understand how can individuals come into your life and bonded so fine. Shared many and live through many joys and pains. When they choose to leave, they just disconnect so abruptly. Shut you off their life as they move to other phases. Literally, just ...disconnect.
It makes you wonder what have happened in the previous time. Those moments that are formed. We weren't really friends ? It was just an acquaintance? Maybe I have just imagined those bonds. They never really there. It was loneliness. Having company makes you delusional and think that friendship is formed. In fact, it is just acquaintanceship. Or perhaps, some friendship has an expiry date. When it is the end, it is just the end. Like how seasons changes on earth.
It hurts..
Perhaps next time I will not be such a fool. Acquaintance is formed instantly. Friends,it takes a while to know if they fall to that category. They could be just parasites and user living off you. Living off your time.
Bitter I may sound,
I forgive...
Will move on with the pain...
For I believe will heal with time..
And spend more hours with those dear ones and friends that are worthwhile, that will stay together with me throughout my life.
Not time wasters who eats my precious moments and heart..